WEST Publication: Accuracy, accessibility, and institutional capacity shape the utility of habitat models for managing and conserving rare plants on western public lands

WEST Associate Biologist Lea Selby is a co-author on the recently published research article, “Accuracy, accessibility, and institutional capacity shape the utility of habitat models for managing and conserving rare plants on western public lands”, published in Conservation Science and Practice. Public lands are managed for various uses, including rare plant conservation. The article examines how Bureau of Land Management staff use habitat models. The study found no legal challenges or NEPA document citations of habitat models. Interviews revealed challenges with data organization, model quality, and staffing. Staff suggested improving access to models and developing models for more species to better inform conservation decisions. 

Check out the article here: Accuracy, accessibility, and institutional capacity shape the utility of habitat models for managing and conserving rare plants on western public lands (wiley.com)
