
WEST has extensive experience in the statistical design, analysis, and reporting of a broad spectrum of fishery and fishery-related projects. We help our clients develop long-term monitoring programs, survey designs, and statistical analyses that help with research and management of important fisheries stocks.

WEST’s criteria for estimation and inference include accuracy, consistency, minimum variance, and implementation. WEST’s goal is to develop and teach techniques that can be implemented with minimal cost while following the hallmarks of statistical science.

WEST staff have resolved unique issues, such as research on optimal flow regimes to minimize impacts, development of long-term monitoring programs, creation of databases and analysis tools, simulation models, and an understanding of the effects of net selectivity on size composition of stocks.

WEST is a leader in sampling theory and has successfully designed state-of-the-art sampling protocols for a variety of marine and freshwater fishery projects.


  • Abundance Monitoring
  • Analysis of Fish Contaminant Data
  • Angler Survey Design
  • Environmental Impact Analysis
  • Estimation of Salmonid Escapement
  • Evaluation of Restoration Efforts
  • Fishery Bycatch
  • Forecast Modeling and Computer Intensive Estimation
  • Investigation and Estimation of Optimal Sustainable Harvest Levels
  • Population and Survival Estimation by Mark-recapture Methods
  • Simulation Modeling
  • Statistical Sampling Methods
  • User-friendly Tools for Conducting Complex Analyses and Standardizing Reports

Peer-Reviewed Fishery Publications

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