Statistics & Biometrics

Drawing on decades of experience, WEST employs a suite of cutting-edge and defensible statistical tools to solve complex and evolving problems across a variety of industries. Data have never been more readily available and the need to analyze those data has never been more present. WEST works to connect our clients to their data using advanced modeling and data visualization techniques.

Model & Data Fusion

Data fusion and modeling effectively helps industries and individuals determine the extent of the effects of actions to a resource. Our wealth of experience assessing the impact of land use changes to vegetation and wildlife includes estimating and predicting fatality rates with collision risk models and rare event modeling for Habitat Conservation Plans and Eagle Conservation Plans.

Predictive Analytics & Forecasting

Making decisions involves learning from the past and anticipating the future. At WEST, we formalize this process by combining data, models, and experience to make predictions that can help guide the decision-making process.

Statistical Communication

The fields of ecological statistics, scientific computing, and quantitative data science move quickly. Many wildlife biologists receive some general training in these areas as part of college coursework but often feel out-of-touch with the latest and greatest tools.

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