WEST is thrilled to be a Silver Sponsor at The Wildlife Society in Baltimore, Maryland, this month! Our team is looking forward to engaging in conversations surrounding detection dogs, machine learning, ecological modeling, and other current research topics. Stop by our booth to say hello!
Our team will be participating in oral and poster presentations throughout the week.
October 20th | 2:15-2:30 PM
“Reducing Bat-Turbine Collision Risk While Optimizing Wind Energy Production”
Amanda Hale, presenter
October 21st | 9:30-9:45 AM
“A Drone Custom-Built for Bat Detection”
Richard Novy, presenter
October 21st | 10:45-11:00 AM
“Environmental DNA Applications for the Surveillance of Insect Diversity”
Rodney Richardson, presenter
October 22nd | 9:00-9:15 AM
“Best Practices in Searcher Efficiency Trials for Conservation Detection Dogs”
Anna Ciecka, presenter
October 23rd | 8:45-9:00 AM
“Counterfactuals to Assess Trade-offs for Wildlife from Renewable Energy Development”
Amanda Hale, presenter
October 23rd | 4:15-4:30 PM
“Grizzly Bear Behavior in Southcentral Alaska: Use of a Hidden Markov Model to Assess Environmental and Anthropogenic Variables on Behavior”
Amanda Mumford, presenter
October 23rd | 4:30-4:45 PM
“WildWatch: A Computer Vision Model for Detecting and Classifying North American Ungulates in Camera Trap Images”
Jacob Morris, presenter
Co-Authored Presentations
Importance of Landscape Attributes and Endogenous Roost Site Characteristics for Bat Presence and Associations at Abandoned Mines in Nevada
Sunday, October 20th | 1:45 – 2:00 PM
Jason Williams, Consulting Biologist, co-author
How Wide Should a Corridor Be? A Threshold Analysis of Ungulate Use and Movement Between Houses and Roads
Tuesday, October 22nd | 11:15 – 11:30 AM
Hall Sawyer, Principal Biologist, co-author
Poster Sessions
Tuesday, October 22nd | 5:15 – 7:00 PM
Activity Trends of Missouri Bat Species in Response to Forest Management
Meredith Hoggatt, Associate Biologist
Improved Definitions of Tricolored Bat Habitat Will Facilitate Siting/Permitting Throughout the Species’ Range
Larisa Bishop-Boros, Senior Biologist