Wetlands Monitoring & Permitting - Western EcoSystems Technology, Inc.

Wetlands Monitoring & Permitting

Wetlands and other water resources are protected under the federal Clean Water Act and often state and local regulations. WEST’s wetland scientists are up-to-date on the most recent and constantly changing regulatory definitions and processes. Our staff are experts at identifying, delineating, and evaluating wetlands and other water resources across the US. We support desktop-level assessments to 1000-mile long pipeline projects. We prepare reports that meet the US Army Corps of Engineers standards, and our team is available to speak with developers regarding permitting needs and strategies. If a project cannot avoid impacts, we are able to support clients with jurisdictional determinations, pre-construction notifications, mitigation planning, or other potential permit requirements.

Our team uses up-to-date technology to ensure spatial data are sub-meter accurate and tabular data are clear and concise. Through our tablet system, we minimize the need for paper, ensure field staff have real-time access to aerial imagery, and that data are automatically uploaded to the cloud server. This system provides efficiencies in data review and report preparation and allows us to conduct rapid geospatial analysis and statistical modeling associated with wetlands or other variables of interest across the landscape.

Wetlands and Water Expertise

  • Wetland Delineations
  • Section 404 Clean Water Act Permitting
  • State-Level Permitting
  • Jurisdictional Determinations
  • Wetland Functional Assessments
  • Wetland Mitigation Design and Planning
  • Monitoring Constructed Wetlands
  • Species-Specific Surveys
  • Water Quality Monitoring
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