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The fields of ecological statistics, scientific computing, and quantitative data science move quickly. Many wildlife biologists receive some general training in these areas as part of college coursework but often feel out-of-touch with the latest and greatest tools.
WEST scientists are well-versed in foundational statistical concepts and actively participate in developing and applying new methods. More importantly, our statisticians work and consult with wildlife biologists and managers on a daily basis therefore, we understand how to help practitioners get up to speed quickly on the methods and models they need to know with just the right amount of technical detail. WEST statisticians have taught dozens of workshops on topics such as ecological sampling and study design, scientific computing using the R programming language, basic and advanced regression models, wildlife data analysis using resource selection functions, occupancy modeling, distance sampling, mark and recapture, etc.
415 West 17th Street, Suite 200
Cheyenne, Wyoming 82001
Phone: 307-634-1756
Fax: 307-637-6981
[email protected]
6715 8 St NE, Suite S138
Calgary, Alberta, T2E 7H7
Phone: 587-952-0686
[email protected]