Pam’s Journey at WEST:
How has your role evolved over the past 5 years? ”I started out at the front desk and worked there for about a year. I then moved to P&I and continually changed and grew in this amazing department!”
What do you enjoy most about working at WEST? ”The people, hands down! My introduction to WEST was very people-centric, and I have continued that momentum. I have met some truly amazing people over the years and am very thankful for it!”
If you could go back to your first day at WEST, what advice would you give yourself? ”To relax in the job. I had always worked with a strict time schedule that left very little time for interaction. I think I would have loved the job even sooner if I had just relaxed!”
What’s the most innovative project you’ve worked on, and what made it special? ”My position isn’t project-based, but I will tell you the oddest request that I had when I first started working was to freeze and ship dead critters. Having no real knowledge of how WEST did things, it was truly an eye-opener for me, and I quickly learned a lot! Now, it is all in a day’s work.”