Upcoming Presentations

This week, WEST Principal Biologist Rhett Good will be a panelist in a session at the Northeast Bat Working Group (NEBWG) meeting in Harrisburg, PA. Rhett will describe various approaches for reducing bat fatalities, focusing on WEST’s Optimized Smart Curtailment approach, the effectiveness of acoustic deterrents, and potential combinations of approaches for reducing bat fatalities at wind projects.

Also attending is WEST Consulting Biologist Juliet Nagel, the current NEBWG Secretary. She helped plan the agenda along with other members of the Executive Committee and the local hosts. She will be moderating a general session on Friday covering Conservation and Ecology.

Learn more here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/106CR-Tlf-LCc2W6D7UlH5yKo5iQDmXL3/view
