Ten years ago, Joyce was the second person in WEST’s Golden Valley, Minnesota, office. Since that time, she’s taken great pleasure in working with a growing group of technical experts based out of that location who are also wonderful human beings to collaborate with every day. Most recently, Joyce has been delighted to take on the role of Senior Manager for a group of Endangered Species Act (ESA) compliance specialists at WEST, giving her the opportunity to work with an expanded team of dedicated professionals with wide-ranging expertise on listed and candidate species. She finds working with the statisticians, biologists and compliance strategists at WEST endlessly rewarding, and feels lucky to know that she and her team are providing valuable strategic and permitting support to WEST’s clients in the face of the ever-changing ESA compliance landscape. While these days she doesn’t have much chance to exercise her biological background in wetland and grassland field work, Joyce does appreciate the rare occasions she has had at WEST to conduct prairie assessments in the upper Midwest, and happily participates every time the Golden Valley office has a native prairie seed collection event.