Celebrating 30 Years

“I would like to congratulate Dave Young on his 30th anniversary at WEST. Dave was the fifth person we hired at WEST and was and remains one of the key figures in our company’s growth. Dave was always forward thinking and interested in developing his skills as a consultant. After starting out as a field supervisor, Dave became one of our top project managers and mentors for younger biologists in the company. Dave expressed an interest in getting trained in the art of habitat conservation planning under the Endangered Species Act and attended USFWS training in the development of HCPs. Following the training, he helped the company develop expertise and significant business in conservation planning for our clients.

Dave was also helpful in the administration of our fledgling company becoming a member of the company’s first Senior Management Team and serving on our board for many years, and now as CEO. Dave has done an outstanding job as CEO and helped grow the company over his five years of service in that position. Through all of this he maintained a positive and forward looking attitude.

Dave has been a joy to work with and has committed most of his professional career helping WEST become the company it is today and for that I will be eternally grateful. Please join me in wishing Dave a Happy Anniversary at WEST.”

– Dale Strickland, Principal Ecologist and Co-founder
