WEST Presenting at Illinois Renewable Energy Conference

WEST Senior Ecologist Travis Brown is attending the Illinois Renewable Energy Conference in Bloomington tomorrow and is presenting “Wildlife and Wetland Considerations at Illinois Renewable Energy Projects.” The presentation will summarize the common wildlife and wetland issues encountered during the development and operation of renewable energy projects in Illinois.

WEST is proud to sponsor the Conference on Wind Energy and Wildlife Impacts next week in Šibenik, Croatia! WEST staff will participate in oral and poster presentations. Stop by our booth to say hello! Full presentation details and times below: Monday, September 18th | 9:30 – 5:00 | Pre-Conference Workshop A Launching and Training (with an […]
WEST at ESA Annual Conference

The WEST team will attend the 2023 Ecological Society of America Annual Conference in Portland, Oregon, next week. Stop by booth #6 to meet our staff and learn more about our career opportunities. WEST founder and principal ecologist Dale Strickland will present “Making an Ecological Career in Private-Sector Environmental Consulting” on Monday, August 7th. Statisticians […]
Report Release: Regional Summaries of Wildlife Fatalities at Wind Energy Facilities in the United States and Canada

WEST is excited to announce that our 2022 Regional Summaries of Wildlife Fatalities at Wind Energy Facilities report is available on our website! This report is a comprehensive summary of wildlife fatality rates at wind energy facilities throughout the United States and Canada. The summary provides stakeholders a useful resource to compare fatality rates among similar facilities. Check […]
WEST at ACP Siting & Environmental Compliance

The WEST team will be at the 2023 ACP Siting and Environmental Compliance Annual Conference in New Mexico this week. Stop by the WEST booth to meet our staff! The team is also participating in several panel sessions. Details below: Tuesday, March 28th | 1:45-3:00pm MST Tech It To the Limit: Accelerating Technological Minimization Solutions Jennifer Stucker, […]
WEST is Attendance at Purdue University Career Fair

WEST Research Biologists Anna Ciecka and Lucas Voorhees are in attendance at Purdue University’s Forestry and Natural Resources Career Fair on Friday. Stop by our booth to say hi and learn more about career opportunities at WEST! #WESTisHiring
WEST at REWI Wind Wildlife Research Meeting

Thank you to the attendees (in person and virtual!) and to REWI for hosting another informative and engaging conference. Our booth will be set-up for the rest of the day. Stop by and say hello before the conference ends!
WEST in attendance at REWI/WWRM

WEST is proud to be a Gold Sponsor at REWI’s Wind Wildlife Research Meeting this week in Kansas City, Missouri. We are excited to see you in person! Stop by our booth to say hello! The WEST team is participating in the following live panel, in-person poster, and on-demand sessions: Tuesday, November 15th Wildlife Monitoring: […]
USFWS Proposed Eagle Rule Revisions

The US Fish and Wildlife Service recently released proposed revisions to the Eagle Take Permit program. The revisions have proposed to “encourage broader participation in permitting by providing applicants with greater certainty and simplicity, facilitate and improve compliance, and increase the conservation benefit for eagles.” The final version is available here: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2022/09/30/2022-21025/permits-for-incidental-take-of-eagles-and-eagle-nests. The proposed rule is […]
WEST at Environmental Concerns in Rights-of-Way Management

WEST’s Kirsten Pearson, Karen Tyrell, and Maggie Voth are at the Environmental Concerns in Rights-of-Way Management in Charlotte, North Caroline this week. Kirsten will be co-presenting “Detection of Grassland Songbird Nests Using Drones.”